System of economic safety threat of the national economy in the current economic conditions


Османов ,Osmanov Zhasym,Константинов ,Konstantinov Artem


This article from the perspective of the typology of threats to economic security analysis of the current state of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is held. The authors investigated the relationship of category "economic security" with other categories, such as "danger", "challenge". As a result, it was concluded that these paired safety categories are useful to be defined as the possibility of negative effects on the economic system. In today´s economy of Kazakhstan a number of challenges of the XXI century are highlighted, leading to a fundamental change in the conditions of existence of human civilization. The authors proved that any factor that speeds up or slows down economic growth to some extent acts as threats or determinant of economic security. Under these circumstances, the most urgent is to examine the content of threats to economic security. The most common typology is the distinction between threats into external and internal ones, to the classification of threats within these types there is a large number of points of view. The author suggests the total system of threats of economic security of the national economy, formed on the basis of a study of classifications of different authors. In the analysis of external threats special attention is paid to the country´s foreign economic position. For Kazakhstan, this position is of crucial importance, since it is necessary to fight for the actual, not declared, economic independence. Key threats to the economic security of the Republic of Kazakhstan are defined: the raw nature of export activities; priority of foreign firms when choosing control subjects; high financial dependence on other countries; low level of infrastructure provision of foreign trade activ-ity as a deterrent to attract foreign investments. The most significant internal threats are: high levels of structural deformation of the economy; low level of competitiveness; lack of scientific and technical potential; monopolization of the economic sector; low investment activity and priority in investing in brokering and financial activities, but not in production.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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