Pathological Physiology


Morgunova Viktoriya,Maslyakova Galina,Zakharov Aleksandr,Bersudskiy Savva,Philippov Yury


The present manual on pathological physiology includes materials according to all sections of pathological physiology and covers standard pathological processes. In the manual the considerable attention is paid to consideration of questions of an etiology, mechanisms of development of pathological processes and their manifestations in maxillofacial area. Are in detail lit not only widespread pathology forms in stomatologic practice, but also and those general pathological processes which are followed by the expressed manifestations in a mouth. The manual is designed for students of stomatologic faculties of medical schools; it will also be useful to all who is interested in pathophysiology problems. Lectures of department of pathological physiology of SEI VPO Saratovskogo of the state medical university of V. I. Razumovsky by it for students stomatologists are the basis for a grant. The main objective of this course of lectures – the message to students of a certain volume of the knowledge reflecting a current state of world pathophysiological science who can be useful in daily practical activities of the dentist.


INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.

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