Phase Portrait of Single-Channel Ecg in Asseessment of Functional Reserves of Cardiovascular System


Минина ,Minina E.,Файнзильберг ,Faynzilberg L.


To study and simulate of dynamic behavior of complex biomedical systems the methods of chaos theory and synergetics are used. These methods provide an opportunity to adequately disclose and analyze the mechanisms the functioning of a living com-plex system, considering the phase trajectory in the state space. When various approaches to the study of the behavior of biological systems in phase space, can "produce" separate diagnostic characteristics that didn’t duplicated by other methods of analysis, and complement each other. Found that the original features of the phase portrait of single-channel ECG device that can be computed by appliance "FAZAGRAF®" with finger electrodes have an additional diagnostic value in quantifying the level of functional reserves of the cardiovascular system, and also have practical significance in the differential diagnosis of functional status and reserves cardiovascular system in different populations in screening studies in clinical practice and sports medicine. It was found that the original characteristics of the phase portrait single-channel ECG: βT, STR, αQRS and σQRS, and significantly different in the groups with different levels of functional reserves of the cardiovascular system and have additional diagnostic value. Dynamics of changes in the characteristics of the phase portrait single channel ECG with stepwise increasing load quantitatively reflects the differences in the level of functional reserves and orientation of compensatory and adaptive processes.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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