tudy of the properties of the wood fiber board’s modified by a petro polymer resin


Вострикова ,Vostrikova Galina,Филимонова ,Filimonova Olga,Никулина ,Nikulina Nadezhda,Дмитренков ,Dmitrenkov Aleksandr,Никулин ,Nikulin Sergey


A technology for the modifying treatment of the wood fiber boards (WFB) by a solution of a petropolymer resin obtained from C9-fraction is considered. The technological process of modification of WFB included a number of operations on samples preparation, impregnation in a modifying composition and thermal hardening of the prepared composites. The process of the WFB modification was studied applying an experimental planning method based on a scheme of the greek-latin square of the forth order.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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