Estimation of the technological potential of parts


Mustaev Irek1,Muftahova Nataliya2,Ivanov Vladimir3


1. Ufimskiy universitet nauki i tehnologiy

2. Ufa University of Science and Technology

3. Ufimskiy filial OOO "ODK-Inzhiniring"


The article describes a methodology for assessing the technological potential of parts, based on the sociophysical theory of potentials and dimensional analysis of the technological process. The technological potential of a part acts as a system characteristic of a complex technical system. The program A'PROPOS was chosen as a tool for calculating the technological potential. A hypothesis has been put forward that the technological potential of the part is associated with the complexity of the technological process of manufacturing this part. It is possible to evaluate it using dimensional analysis using CAD tools. Methods and materials. The emergence and creation of fundamentally new technologies is considered a historical process of development of the designed technical system, in this case, the DSE. The technological potential of the part is formed as the technological process is implemented. The value and structure of the potential are determined and consistent with the properties of the designed part. Based on the results of the analysis of the technological process of manufacturing a part, the construction of a sketch of a part in A'PROPOS., the technological potential is calculated using a mathematical model. The potential is calculated on the basis of the initial data of the enterprise for the object of study. Result. Based on the constructed model, the technological process is optimized. The result is a new machining plan containing the compositions and accuracy of the surfaces machined in the stages and the minimum allowance. Based on the model with variations of dimensional relationships, the dimensional structure is improved to expand the tolerance fields with guaranteed maintenance of technological parameters. Based on this, the deviation in the recommended labor intensity is calculated compared to the real one. Next, the accumulated technological potential of the part was calculated. Conclusions. The system makes it possible to iteratively perform technological calculations, as well as integration with CAD systems in the enterprise. When calculating the technological potential, instead of using the initial data of the enterprise, it is interpreted by the adequacy of the model.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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