Mathematical modeling of flow distribution of the perturbed state of a thermal power system


Sazonova Svetlana1,Kochegarov Aleksey1,Logachev Danila1


1. Voronezh State Technical University


The results of the development of a model for the analysis of the disturbed state of a thermal power hydraulic system on the example of a heat supply system are presented. The parameters of the operating mode of the thermal power hydraulic system after the influence of disturbing factors on it were evaluated. It is shown that the classification of stationary states of the studied fragment of the system with steady flow distribution is oriented to boundary conditions. The boundary conditions classified into four types are considered. It is noted that the choice of boundary conditions must be carried out taking into account the use of energy equivalence in the analysis of the perturbed state of the studied fragment of the hydraulic system. The developed model of steady-state flow distribution with a non-isothermal flow of a viscous medium is presented. It is concluded that the developed mathematical model represents a qualitatively new approach to formalizing the problems of flow distribution analysis in systems with adjustable parameters. The model can be considered as a generalized form of representation of particular flow distribution models when describing the object under study, which can be considered as a hydraulic circuit with adjustable parameters with a non-isothermal flow of a viscous medium. It is shown that this model can be used to analyze and describe the flows and properties of a viscous medium in such systems where it is possible to regulate the parameters, and non-isothermal flow is taken into account.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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