Modeling the occurrence of internal stresses in a complex material structure


Nikolenko S.1,Kozodaev S.12,Sazonova Svetlana1


1. Voronezh State Technical University

2. Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Air Force N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy


The article is devoted to solving the problem aimed at improving the operational characteristics of the bridge bed of a railway bridge through the use of dispersed reinforcement. It is noted that structural elements made of fibroconcrete behave similarly to reinforced concrete with increasing load: long before destruction, they experience a continuity violation. The question of the distribution of forces between the individual fibers that stop the crack, the change in these conditions during the destruction, the magnitude and directions of these efforts at the moment preceding the destruction is considered. A centrally stretched structural element chaotically reinforced with fibers with a violation of continuity in the form of a through crack perpendicular to the tensile stresses is investigated. The proposed dependencies allow us to estimate the distribution of forces between individual fibers crossing the crack and the deformations of the element associated with the opening of the latter, which is important for creating a unified methodology for calculating strength and determining deformations of fiber-reinforced concrete structures. The expediency of using dispersed (fiber) reinforcement in a ballast-free reinforced concrete slab is considered. The task statement and description of fiber reinforcement are completed. The subject area is proposed to be justified experimentally by studying fiber reinforced concrete for impact load and structures with dispersed reinforcement for alternating inertial load. The conducted experimental studies have shown the possibility of using dispersed (fiber) reinforcement in a ballast-free reinforced concrete slab.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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