Modeling of heat and mass transfer systems in industrial nuclear power plants


Karelin Andrey1


1. FSBE Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


The purpose of the work is to carry out the necessary theoretical research and practical research for the possibility of using modern methods of ventilation of premises or using these methods in various technical installations of a nuclear reactor. The study is based on the study of the aerodynamic characteristics of an object (a crowded ship room or a nuclear reactor) at reference points. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the use of patented technologies (originally proposed by the author, and then patented by the responsible executor of the topic, a hydroaerodynamic transformer) and equipment for solving these problems for use in nuclear energy. The results of scientific research may be of interest to a wide range of specialists and scientists, mainly for nuclear energy. The research methods are based on the methods of similarity theory (Reynolds similarity criterion) and differential equations. A mathematical approach to modeling the system under study and heat and mass transfer processes occurring in an industrial nuclear power plant or spatial objects of ship premises has been formed. A general methodological approach and a scheme for the research installation of a nuclear reactor have been developed, and a model based on second-order regression equations has been constructed. Based on mathematical models and confirmed theoretical results, the distribution of gas-liquid flows is empirically visualized in experimental studies. The intensification of heat and mass transfer in the fuel assembly of a nuclear reactor is considered.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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