Architectural solution for service design space-time navigation in educational institutions


Kuripta Oksana1,Minakova O.1,Pocebneva Irina1


1. Voronezh State Technical University


The paper presents an architectural solution to the problem of including navigation services in the already existing information system of the university. The relevance of the study is due to the modern development of indoor navigation technologies and the widespread prevalence of mobile services. The problem statement considers the multi-level architecture of the university IS and its functional logical model in relation to the concept of creating an adaptive educational environment. Based on this, the need to use microservices and APIs for space-time navigation in a university environment is justified. The presented justification of the selected design solutions is based on the proposed generalized scenario of internal navigation in the university, including the setting and construction of routes. Movement at the university is determined by the schedule of events, which implies space-time tracking depending on the role of the user and the infrastructure of buildings. The generalization of our experience in implementing various applications using navigation and location, as well as the results of the modeling of use cases from various points of view, allowed us to build a domain model. It has been proven that such an organization of the data model can be generated from the information structure of the portal and other external systems. Based on the described design solutions, a microservice architecture for a space-time navigation system with a public API has been developed. The key advantage of this approach is not only ample opportunities to support various university activities, but also the creation of infrastructure mechanisms for the modernization and development of the information and educational ecosystem.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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