Justification of information and intellectual support for the principles of operation of technical systems


Vysotskaya Irina1


1. FGBOU VO "Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet inzhenernyh tehnologiy"


Information and intelligent systems are a combination of knowledge, methods and technologies aimed at supporting specialists and engineers in the design, operation and optimization of technical systems. The task of searching for acceptable principles of operation of technical systems is achieved by searching for optimal solutions, analyzing their characteristics and identifying the most preferable options from the point of view of the assigned tasks. When searching for optimal solutions, various options for operating principles should be considered. A rational choice of the fundamental principles of the functioning of a technical system ensures the efficiency and quality of management decisions made. The purpose of this work is to substantiate the information-intellectual system of multivariate analysis, which provides the search for technical solutions. A logging road is considered as the object of study. The features of the organization of work during the construction of logging roads have been studied, and the choice of research method has been justified. An information-intellectual system is described that generates for further development acceptable principles of action in technical solutions in accordance with the formulated task. A description of the information-intelligent system for searching technical solutions is presented. The set of solutions is described in the form of an AND/OR tree, which allows you to efficiently store and select feasible solutions using graph methods.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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