1. Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
2. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet inzhenernyh tehnologiy"
The study examines and substantiates the specifics of the project approach to managing the development of industrial enterprises. Various models of the project approach are compared, their functioning within the framework of the modern digital economy is analyzed. A special role in achieving these goals is assigned to projects aimed at developing breakthrough products for the processing industry, the development of innovative infrastructure (test sites, engineering and certification centers, databases, accelerators, etc.), the creation of new businesses in the processing industry based on large enterprises, as well as projects at the final stage of development and bringing products to market for export. In this regard, the issues of project management of the development of industrial economic systems are gaining high importance and need to be clarified and updated. The problem of management of industrial enterprises and other economic systems is that their management structures are overwhelmingly built on a hierarchical principle, are functionally oriented and project management is rejected in them. However, if project management is integrated into the enterprise management system, it is possible to obtain positive results, consisting in improving information, marketing, regulatory, methodological and other support for innovation activities. Analyzes the necessity of introducing a project approach into the management system of the development of industrial enterprises.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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