Using an object-oriented environment to create programs using control statements and loops


Sazonova Svetlana1,Akamsina N.1,Lemeshkin A.2


1. Voronezh State Technical University

2. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet inzhenernyh tehnologiy»


The features of the development of packages of applied programs using control operators and loops in the object-oriented environment of C ++ Builder are considered. The examples of work with the use of control operators and loops in C ++ Builder developed by the authors and the corresponding algorithms are presented in the form of block diagrams, program codes and program interfaces. The technology of using the corresponding operators in the development of branching and cyclic algorithms in solving engineering problems is described. The features of using in practice the debugging tools of the environment when debugging programs with branches and loops are stated. The analysis of the hierarchy of conditional operators from the point of view of the optimality of its organization and the syntax for describing various variants of cyclic structures in the C ++ Builder language are carried out. The external specification and the main features of the solution of the assigned tasks are considered. It is substantiated that the development of algorithms and programs using control operators and loops in the C ++ Builder environment is the basis for solving engineering problems using software on a computer. The proposed approaches and algorithms can be used in practice as they can serve as a complex example in solving the set engineering and technical problems.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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