Methodology for the preparation of experimental data for an information and intelligent system for the design of logging road networks


Nikitin Vladimir1,Skrypnikov Aleksey2,Bavykina Elena3,Vikulin Igor'3,Bryuhoveckiy Andrey3,Boykov Pavel3


1. FGBOU VO «Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet imeni N.E. Baumana"

2. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet inzhenernyh tehnologiy»

3. Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies


The article describes a technique for obtaining experimental data for the purpose of optimal distribution of the forest transport network on a specific terrain model. Particular attention was paid to the issue of the operability of primary forest transport routes, in particular, the requirements for the strength of trunk lines, which is of fundamental importance when establishing the optimal distance between long-term roads. The operability of the trunk lines was experimentally investigated, while the scheme of the movement of tractors along the ring was used. Based on experimental data, certain values of track depth, relative humidity, density and the number of impacts depending on the number of passes were obtained. In the course of the experimental study, functional dependences of the increase in the depth of the track on the number of passages were established and calculated, taking into account the physical and mechanical properties of forest soils. During the tests, some fundamental differences were recorded in the process of track formation during the movement of wheeled and tracked tractors. It is important for the development of measures to reduce the seasonality of forest transport, especially during the autumn-spring thaw. Comparative tests of tracked and wheeled tractors when they move along a reinforced track have shown that a reinforced track when moving a wheeled tractor is able to withstand a significantly greater number of passes than when moving a tracked tractor. For the statistical evaluation of the experiments carried out, it was determined what errors could be caused by replacing the parameter with its point estimate. Analysis of statistical processing of the observation results showed that all the series, as a rule, correspond to the law of normal definition, which is determined by the ratio of the symmetry and kurtosis indicators to their average errors. These relations are determined within the limits of permissible deviations, therefore, asymmetry and kurtosis in this case do not matter significantly.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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