Typology and Characteristics of Worker’s Employment Behavior


Шаталова Нина1,Shatalova Nina2


1. Уральский государственный университет путей сообщения

2. Ural State University of Railway Transport


This article considers the main categorical framework of worker’s employment behavior description. It shows the essence of employment behavior and its main types: institutional — non-institutional; professional — unprofessional; creative — performing; conventional — initiative; constructive — deconstructive behavior; preservative behavior; motivators of employment behavior; comparison as employment behavior’s motivator. Specific features of entrepreneurial behavior and conditions for its success are indicated in the article. Each type of behavior is accompanied by comprehensive interpretation for its proper understanding. The article can be useful for line managers, human resources managers, students and postgraduates, studying the issues of modern management and social problems of workers’ employment behavior as a theoretical basis for the development of social technology for managing employees’ behavior: diagnostic testing, evaluation and optimization.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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