
Асхадуллин Данил1,Ashadullin Danil2,Асхадуллин Дамир1,Ashadullin Damir3,Василова Нурания4,Vasilova Nuraniya3,Хусаинова Ильсина1,Husainova Il'sina3,Тазутдинова Мухаббат1,Tazutdinova Muhabbat3


1. Татарский научно-исследовательский институт сельского хозяйства – обособленное структурное подразделение ФИЦ КазНЦ РАН

2. Tatar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, FRC Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Tatar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture - separate structural subdivision of “Federal Research Center “Kazan Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”

4. Татарский научно-исследовательский институт сельского хозяйства ФИЦ Казанский научный центр РАН


In 2018, 21 varieties of spring soft wheat were recommended for cultivation in Tatarstan, with a specific weight of 79.2% in the structure of the harvested area under spring wheat. Determining the degree of resistance to diseases of these varieties allows you to properly plan protective measures throughout the republic. Studies were conducted in 2015-2018 on the experimental fields of Tatar Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Varieties, recommended for cultivation, differ in the degree of field resistance to the main fungal diseases. The Ester and Zlata varieties have the maximum field resistance to powdery mildew (average 7 points), Chelyaba Stepnaya and Tulaykovskaya Nadezhda varities have the minimum (4 points). Most spring wheat varieties are susceptible to the local brown leaf rust population. The following varities remain resistant to leaf brown rust: Tulaykovskaya 10, Ekada 113, Tulaykovskaya 108, Arkhat, Ulyanovskaya 105, Tulaykovskaya Nadezhda. Moreover, the homogeneity of the genetics of most resistant varieties (caused by the resistance gene Lr19) does not allow epiphytoties of leaf brown rust in the future. According to the 2016-2018 studies, the least degree of stem rust damage was observed in the varieties: Tulaykovskaya 10, Ekada 113, Tulaykovskaya 108, Arkhat, Ulyanovskaya 105 and Tulaykovskaya Nadezhda, on average, 5-10%. There are no varieties, which are immune to stem rust. In 2017 in the conditions of the massive development of dark brown spotting, there were no signs of disease on the leaf of Kazanskaya Yubileinaya variety, the resistance of this variety is determined by the Sb1 gene. The maximum susceptibility to dark brown leaf spotting has the Simbirtsit and Idelle varieties. An integrated resistance to the studied diseases have varieties: Ekada 113, Tulaykovskaya 108 and Arkhat.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

Reference18 articles.

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5. Асхадуллин Д-л Ф., Асхадуллин Д-р Ф., Василова Н.З. др. Темно-бурая листовая пятнистость на яровой мягкой пшенице в Татарстане // Защита и карантин растений. 2018. №9. С. 17–20., Askhadullin D-l.F., Askhadullin D-r.F., Vasilova N.Z. and others. Dark brown leaf blotch on spring soft wheat in Tatarstan. [Temno-buraya listovaya pyatnistost na yarovoy myagkoy pshenitse v Tatarstane]. // Zashcita i karantin rasteniy. - Plant Protection and Quarantine. 2018. №9. P. 17–20.

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