
Доброхотов Юрий1,Dobrohotov Yuriy2,Иванщиков Юрий1,Ivanschikov Yuriy2,Валиев Айрат3,Valiev Ayrat4,Васильев Александр1,Vasil'ev Aleksandr2


1. Чувашская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия

2. Chuvash State Agrocultural Academy

3. Казанский государственный аграрный университет

4. Kazan State Agrarian University


Due to the design features of ND-22 type of distribution pumps, equalization of cycle feed values between high-pressure sections is a rather complicated and time-consuming task, the solution of which is accompanied by repeated changes in the dimensions of the drive links with subsequent multiple metering of feed rates. In order to reduce the labor-intensiveness of adjustment operations and increase the accuracy of their performance, a technique and a device have been proposed, that significantly reduce the laboriousness of adjustment operations to equalize performance values between high-pressure sections, while simultaneously increasing the accuracy of their performance. The regularity of the change in the feed rate of the first section of the pump, the change in the length of the adjusting thrust of the metering drive is revealed. The linearity of the correlation relationship between the length of the adjusting thrust and the performance of the first high pressure section has been established. An equation, describing this relationship, is given. The graphic representation of the relationship between the change in the length of the adjustment thrust and the supply of the pump section allows it to be used as a nomogram for selecting the length of the thrust when a given feed cycle value is set during the adjustment work after repair.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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