1. Казанский государственный аграрный университет
2. Kazan State Agrarian University
A technically acceptable solution to the problem of increasing power is the use of a supercharger (compressor). This means that the air entering the engine is compressed before it enters the combustion chamber, i.e. the compressor provides the necessary amount of air, sufficient for complete combustion of the increased dose of fuel. Consequently, with the previous working volume of the engine combustion chamber and the same revolutions, we get more power, and the use of a turbocharger is a constructive solution to achieve this goal. However, due to the intensity of the operating mode of the turbochargers with a sharp change in the crankshaft rotation speed and load parameters during operation of the equipment (the rotor speed varies from 30,000 min-1 to 120,000 min-1, the exhaust gas temperature reaches 7500C) it requires effective lubrication of its bearings rotor. In this regard, in the lubrication system of the bearing assembly, a hydroaccumulator of membrane type was structurally provided. The article presents a constructive scheme of the connection of the hydroaccumulator in the lubrication system of the bearing pin of the turbocharger, presents photographs of the experimental setup to confirm the effectiveness of this design solution. The experiment was carried out after the engine stopped, operating at maximum, average and minimum crankshaft speeds, and the rundown time of the turbocharger rotor and pressure drop in the lubrication system of the turbocharger bearing assembly were measured from the moment the engine stopped. It was revealed that the installation of a hydroaccumulator in the lubrication system of the bearing assembly of the turbocharger will ensure the oil feed of the bearings with a sharp reduction in crankshaft rotation during engine overloads, which is confirmed by an increase in the overrun of the turbocharger rotor by 30 ... 40%, while the standard flow and oil pressure remain.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Reference14 articles.
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9 articles.