Projection by Conical Helical Lines With Constant Pitch


Денисова Е.1,Denisova E.2,Хуснетдинов Тимур3,Husnetdinov Timur4,Воронина Марианна5,Voronina Marianna6


1. Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно- строительный университет

2. Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

3. Московский Государственный Технический Университет имени Н.Э. Баумана

4. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

5. Санкт-Петербургский горный университет

6. Saint-Petersburg Mining University


This paper’s purpose is investigation of non-traditional projection systems and their projecting surfaces, the choice of such congruence parameters for conical helical lines, which allow cover the whole complex of requirements to the surface, obtained by projecting of an arbitrary flat or spatial line with congruence beams, as well as the use of computer graphics in surface visualization. In the paper has been presented an example of analytical interpretation for an image of curvilinear projection by conical helical lines with constant pitch, and a congruence example for conical helical lines located on coaxial cones with a common vertex and a variable angle of generatrix inclination to an axis. Have been investigated properties and defined parameters of the congruence helical line passing through a space arbitrary point which is not belonging to an axis. An approach for construction of spiral surfaces, which frame consists of beams projecting an arbitrary line. A form generation of surfaces by analytical methods and their visualization by means of computer graphics is one of applied geometry’s urgent problems in connection with the use of such methods in automated systems for scientific research, design, and manufacture on equipment with computer numerical control. The leading research method for this problem is the general analytical theory for surfaces’ applied form generation developed by Professor I.A. Skidan and formed a unique apparatus, based on mathematical support of computing technologies for design and creation of objects with complex forms. On examples of visualization for projecting surfaces by means of computer graphics it is possible to show applicability of analytical models in computer technologies for scientific researches, design and manufacturing.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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