Prospects and Opportunities for New Techno-Economic Paradigms — New Technological Modes


Басовский Леонид1,Basovskiy Leonid2,Басовская Елена1,Basovskaya Elena2


1. Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н. Толстого

2. Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University


The model of long-term technical and economic development of industrial and post-industrial economic systems is constructed. The system consists of several subsystems existing simultaneously. Each new subsystem, embodying a new technical and economic mode, provides a higher level of per capita income. The transition to each new stage of technical and economic development — the transition to the predominance, the dominance of the technical and economic paradigm, and the beginning of the spread of a new technical and economic paradigm occurs at the moment when the upward half-wave of the Kondratiev cycle begins to form. To establish the moments of the onset of the upward halfwaves of Kondratiev cycles and the timing of the start of the spread of new techno-economic modes, econometric models of real per capita GDP in developed countries, including a smooth and cyclic (harmonic) component, were constructed. The average duration of the third cycle in these countries was 51.9 years, the fourth cycle — 49.8 years. Because of the construction of econometric models, it was possible to evaluate the productivity of relic, fourth, fifth and sixth technical and economic paradigms in developed countries. The average value of the maximum productivity of the fourth techno-economic mode was 2594 Geri-Hemis $ 1990, the fifth — 12,245 Geri-Hemis $ 1990, the sixth — 25 374 Geri-Hemis $ 1990. The average contribution to the real per capita GDP of relict modes and the fourth mode in the period of its domination was 5004 Geri-Hemis $ 1990, which corresponds to the value of 161,379 rubles. 2008. The excess of this value in Russia provided isdue to the spread of the fifth technical and economic mode. Its significant contribution to the real per capita GDP of the country began to observe since 2001 and by 2015 reached 47%. Modeling the period of the contribution of the fifth paradigm to Russia’s per capita GDP made it possible to predict the transition to its dominance in 2040. The forecast of the transition to the domination of the fifth mode in the regions of Russia is to include this time from 2010 to 2200. Construction of production functions based on data on per capita GRP over the years made it possible to establish that investment in fixed assets and an increase in the share of employed persons with a higher education can accelerate the spread of the fifth techno-economic mode and have received estimates of their effectiveness in the regions of Russia. A feature of the regions in which new modes did not receive proliferation was the low capitalization of new fixed assets and the increased number of employees of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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