Estimation of Worm-Gear Drives’ Parameters Based on Computer Graphics 3D-Methods


Решетников М.1,Reshetnikov M.2,Рязанов С.1,Ryazanov S.2


1. Саратовский государственный технический университет имени Гагарина Ю.А.

2. Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


The current state of the machine-building production market is such that various modifications of its products are produced by single specimens. This requires that production should, on the one hand, reduce the terms for preparation and production of new products along with increasing the same products’ nomenclature, and on the other hand, it is economically necessary to reduce these products’ factory labor hours and cost along with high quality of manufacturing thereof. Such production’s profitability depends largely on effectiveness of the use of computer equipment and software that will allow virtualization of design and technological processes, which in the final development will allow transfer all stages related to preparing for manufacturing of a new product to mathematical and geometric computer models of manufactured products. This permits to leave only one stage of preparing for manufacturing of a new product — geometric synthesis, taking into account the workspace configuration. Due to the complexity of processes for tooth-profiling and engagement, their exact calculation can be only performed by a computer. A mathematical model of engagement, for example, a worm pair, which takes into account not only geometric parameters, but also the enterprise’s machine capabilities, makes it possible, without manufacturing the worm pair in a metal, to obtain reliable information about all features of the worm pair operation. The modern computers’ processing speed allows in a short time to choose the option that gives the best approximation to consumer’s desired requirements. This paper shows an example for application of the method of geometric computer solid-state modeling for the technological process of worm gear shaping as an envelope of the tool model’s producing surface. The algorithm work consists in the mutual motion and rotation of a part blank and the tool. As a result of mutual intersection of the part blank and the tool surfaces, final shapes of tooth surfaces are formed as precise computer solid-state models. In this paper has been shown the final result for computer shaping of the worm’s working surface. One of the stages for determining the gaps between the working surfaces of the worm and the worm wheel has been described. One of variants for interactive analysis of the worm pair’s computer model is application of the cutting-plane method to obtain a set of sections. The mutual intersection of the worm and worm wheel’s planes and working surfaces makes it possible to determine points’ coordinates and thereon to define the gaps between the working surfaces of the product.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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