
Шилов Валентин1,Shilov Valentin2,Хакимова Гузалия1,Hakimova Guzaliya2,Семина Ольга3,Semina Ol'ga4,Ахмадуллина Альфия5,Ahmadullina Al'fiya6


1. «Татарский институт переподготовки кадров агробизнеса»

2. «Tatarskiy institut perepodgotovki kadrov agrobiznesa»

3. «Биомир»

4. «Biomir»

5. ИП Ахмадуллина

6. IP Ahmadullina


The main task in meat poultry production is to obtain products in a short period of fattening with the minimum feed costs. In economic terms, fodders occupy the largest share in the cost structure of poultry meat. The feed in its composition and properties should satisfy the physiological needs of the chicken, as much as possible, and this, in turn, directly depends on its usefulness and quality. In this regard, the actual issue of feeding is the use of antioxidants to improve the conservation of feed and optimize metabolism in the body of the bird. The inclusion of “Bisfenol-5” antioxidant in full-feed mixed doses in doses of 0.002-0.015% of the feed weight positively affected the growth rate of broiler chickens and feed conversion. The highest effect was obtained with the addition of “Bisfenol-5” in the amount of 0.008% to the compound feed. The use of antioxidant-enriched mixed fodder for growing chicken broilers allowed to increase meat production to 17.5%, to increase feed conversion to 12.1%, to reduce the cost of 1 kg of live weight gain to 6.99 rubles and to improve the efficiency index to 0.2 points.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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