
Доброхотов Юрий1,Dobrohotov Yuriy2,Пушкаренко Николай1,Pushkarenko Nikolay2,Валиев Айрат3,Valiev Ayrat4,Иванщиков Юрий1,Ivanschikov Yuriy2,Андреев Роман1,Andreev Roman2


1. Чувашская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия

2. Chuvash State Agrocultural Academy

3. Казанский государственный аграрный университет

4. Kazan State Agrarian University


In order to study the significance of the impact of wear on the working surfaces of parts of the intermediate gear assembly on the amount of plunger dead stroke and, therefore, on the cycle feed and advance fuel injection angle, we analyzed the critical positions of the parts of the assembly without the repair of its geometric parameters. In the process, the working surfaces of parts and mates are subject to intensive wear, which leads to an increase in the radial play of the intermediate gear. With the help of the developed device, the intermediate gears of the first and second pump sections of 70 ND-22/6 pumps from among the repair stock were examined at the specialized workshop of OAO “Yantikovskoe RTP”. From an analysis of the results of statistical processing of the backlash values in the nodes under study, it follows that in 75% of pumps the value of the radial play of the intermediate gear exceeds the allowable value for the first pumping section and 72% of the pumps for the second section. The paper proposes a method for determining the radial play of the intermediate gear drive of the plunger rotation drive of the distribution type pump. The design of the device for the in-place determination of the radial play of parts in the nodes of intermediate gears is given. Statistical indicators of the radial play of the intermediate gears of the plunger rotation mechanism were obtained. The percentage of shelf life of distribution type pumps is determined by the parameters of the technical condition of the intermediate gear assemblies. According to the research results, it was proposed to transfer the intermediate gear assemblies of the ND-22/6 pumps to the category of repair kits with their obligatory replacement when replacing pump sections.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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