Staffing of Local Authorities: Key Problems and Prospects of Development


Rogach O.1,Frolova E.1


1. Russian State Social University


Personnel support of local governments is one of the most signifi cant factors of the socio-economic development of the territory, optimization of management activities, and building public confi dence in the government. The purpose of this work is to analyze the key parameters of staffi ng of local administrations, identifying their specifi city in various types of municipalities, interpreting the “problem areas” of managing the professional development of municipal personnel. In their work, the authors relied on general scientifi c research methods. The leading research method was the survey of experts — heads of local authorities. Objective restrictions on the eff ective staffi ng of local governments in the Russian Federation are insuffi cient staff numbers, an overestimated amount of work, low wages, and a shortage of local budgets. Additional risk factors are gaps in the system of motivation of municipal employees, signifi cant limitations on the prospects for their career growth, the low prestige of this type of professional activity, the dysfunction of advanced training and retraining of municipal employees. The survey results showed the prevalence of negative assessments of professional competencies and personal characteristics of municipal employees.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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