Formation of an Engineer Model in the Conditions of Digital Transformation: Interaction of Enterprises and Universities


Флек Михаил1,Flek Mihail2,Угнич Екатерина1,Ugnich Ekaterina2


1. Донской государственный технический университет

2. Don State Technical University


This article is devoted to the study of the content characteristics of the model of a modern engineer. It is shown, that its optimal formation in the conditions of digital transformation is possible only with the interaction of the higher education system and the subjects of the real sector of the economy. It is noted that in the formation of the model of the engineer it is necessary to proceed from the relationship of such components as the requirements for the competence of engineers imposed by enterprises; the necessary knowledge and skills that are provided by universities; effective approaches to training, the implementation of which is possible in the conditions of close cooperation between universities and enterprises. The paper emphasizes the effectiveness of a practice oriented approach to training engineers, which is confirmed by the experience of the specialized departments as a single educational platform of universities and enterprises. On the example of the specialized department of “Aircraft Engineering” of the Don State Technical University, the efficiency of the practice oriented approach to training engineers is evaluated.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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