
Сержанов Игорь1,Serzhanov Igor2,Шайхутдинов Фарит1,Shaykhutdinov Farit2,Сержанова Альбина1,Serzhanova Al'bina2,Гараев Разиль1,Garaev Razil2


1. Казанский государственный аграрный университет

2. Kazan State Agrarian University


The article presents the results of studies on the effect of nutritional background on productivity and quality of spring soft wheat seeds of Yoldyz variety. The agrometeorological conditions of the growing season had a decisive influence on the harvest of spring wheat. In more favorable weather conditions in 2017 and 2018 years, the difference in yield compared to the dry 2016 was 0.4-0.42 tons and 0.48-0.59 per hectare on fertilized backgrounds. The use of calculated rates of fertilizers for 3 tons per hectare of grain contributed to an increase in yield of 0.55 tons per hectare. A further increase in the fertilizer dose to obtain 4 tons per hectare of grain did not give a significant increase to the fertilizer background of 3 tons per hectare. The level of mineral nutrition has improved the seed sowing qualities. With an estimated nutrition level of 3 tons per hectare, on average for three years, the seed germination energy increased by 4.8% compared to the control, on the 4 tons per hectare variant - 5.2%, laboratory germination, respectively, by 1.8-1, 4%, growth rate - 4.1-5.7 percent. Seeds grown on fertilized backgrounds per 3 and 4 tons per hectare of spring wheat grain had increased yield properties. The yield increase to the control was 0.67-0.75 tons per hectare. Under the conditions of gray forest soils of Kama of the Republic of Tatarstan, spring wheat of Yoldyz variety should be grown on seed crops at the background of the application of calculated norms for fertilizers of 3 tons per hectare of grain.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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