1. Татарский научно-исследовательский институт сельского хозяйства – обособленное структурное подразделение ФИЦ КазНЦ РАН
2. Tatarskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sel'skogo hozyaystva – obosoblennoe strukturnoe podrazdelenie FIC KazNC RAN
Attempts to create commercial variety Triticum sphaerococcum Perc. were realized only on the basis of the recombinant mutant KH 4333, created by Krasnodar Scientific and Research University of Agriculture, but the sphericity of obtained varieties is not associated with the sphericity of the Hindustan indices. The disadvantages of T. sphaerococcum samples in the Republic of Tatarstan are (in the study of 2012-2017): low productivity, which varies considerably in the years of the study, in some years the productivity of the best samples did not exceed 0.57 tons per hectare (the Simbirtsit standard did not fall below 2 , 15 tons per hectare); late ripeness; strong defeat of powdery mildew up to 90% in the epiphytotinous year 2017; strong susceptibility to stem rust. The degree of damage to brown leaf rust, in all years, was at the level of the susceptible standard of the Simbirzit variety. We made an attempt to improve the index samples by incorporating T. polonicum L. into the hybridization in order to increase the mass of the grains while maintaining the spherical shape, since hybridization with T. aestivum does not make significant progress. And the inclusion in the hybridization of Triticale 6x, in order to increase resistance to disease. Progress is shown in increasing productivity and resistance to powdery mildew in hybridization with T. aestivum. The constant lines of T. sphaerococcum have been preserved which retained the positive features inherent in this species with a significant increase in yield from 1.34 tons perhectare in the original form to -45738 to 3.77 tons per hectare near the line Ksh-359-11-5, this line is characterized by a high resistant to powdery mildew, but this line has a yield of 23% lower than the best zoned variety Yoldyz.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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