Theoretical and Cultural Models of Understanding of the Phenomenon of Advertising: Modern Theories and Conceptst


Агрба Амина12,Agrba Amina34





4. Moscow State Institute of International Relations


This article is an attempt to analyze advertising as a cultural phenomenon through understanding the ideas of the great philosophers of the twentieth century. The article compares various philosophical concepts with respect to the phenomenon of advertising and its place in modern civilization, namely through the theory of M. McLuhan and his understanding of advertising in the light of studying the media concept; the French thinker R. Barth and his rhetoric of the visual image in the context of studying the advertising impact; semiotics advertisement of the famous Italian philosopher and writer U. Eco; simulations of advertising in the system of things of the French thinker J. Baudrillard. The analysis revealed ontological, ethical, epistemological aspects of advertising, reflected in the concept of M. McLuhan, who viewed advertising as an integral part of media influence; R. Barth, who approached advertising as a text containing certain codes; U. Eco analyzed the semiotics of advertising; and, finally, J. Baudrillard, who viewed advertising as an incentive in the consumer society. The great philosophers of modern times did not accidentally turn to the study of the phenomenon of advertising, noting the importance of advertising for a modern society and recognizing the importance of this powerful communication channel that affects all aspects of human life. Considering the fact that advertising in a certain sense perfectly embodies the modern ideal of human cognitive activity, we came to the conclusion that it continues to be among a number of sociocultural phenomena of universal significance requiring constant comprehension. In our opinion, on the whole, the analysis of the philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of advertising, despite its complexity and contradiction, allows us to more thoroughly reveal its underlying premises and essence, contributing to a better understanding of the problems any society and individual faces.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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1. Communication Knows No Age;Scientific Research and Development. Modern Communication Studies;2017-11-29







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