
Зиганшин Булат,Ziganshin Bulat,Кашапов Ильназ,Kashapov Ilnaz,Гайфуллин Ильнур,Gayfullin Ilnur,Шогенов Юрий,Shogenov Yuriy,Рудаков Александр,Rudakov Aleksandr


The first scientific developments in the field of biogas technologies were made in Russia more than 70 years ago. Since the 50th years one of the main directions was the anaerobic processing of activated sludge and sediments of urban wastewater. This method attracted attention in connection with the idea of obtaining biogas mainly from the manure of farm animals. Thanks to this in the middle of 50th years a number of pilot plants for biogas production were built in Zaporozhia, Belorussian, Georgian, Moldavian branches of All-Russian Institute of Agriculture Electrification, and also in Ekaterinburg. However, the operating experience of these installations was insignificant - one - two seasons. The problem of obtaining and using biogas is given great attention abroad. In a short time, in many countries around the world a whole industry for the production of biogas has emerged. The leader in the development of biogas industry is China. Since the middle of 1970, the National Program for the production of biogas from livestock wastes has been operating in this country. Currently, there are 10 million farm bioreactors. In addition, 40 000 biogas stations, 24 000 biogas treatment plants operate in China, which provides operation of 190 power plants.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

Reference11 articles.

1. Ульф  Нордберг.  Производство  биогаза  в  Германии  и  Скандинавских  странах  //  Производство  биогаза  в  Республике  Беларусь  и  Швеции.  Обмен  опытом.  CSD  Uppsala,  2012.  - C.  9. , Ulf Nordberg. Proizvodstvo biogaza v Germanii i Skandinavskikh stranakh // Proizvodstvo biogaza v Respublike Belarus i Shvetsii. Obmen opytom. [Production of biogas in Germany and Scandinavian countries. // Production of biogas in the Republic of Belarus and Sweden. Experience exchange]. CSD Uppsala, 2012. - P. 9.

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3. Гайфуллин И.Х. Сборник тезисов участников Форума 2016 «Наука будущего - НАУКА МОЛОДЫХ» - Казань, 2016. – Том 1, Разработка конструкции и результаты экспериментальных исследований малообъемной биагозовой установки C. 399 – 400., Gayfullin I.Kh. Sbornik tezisov uchastnikov Foruma 2016 “Nauka buduschego - NAUKA MOLODYKh”. Razrabotka konstruktsii i rezultaty eksperimentalnykh issledovaniy maloobemnoy biagozovoy ustanovki. (Proceedings of the 2016 Forum “Science of the future - SCIENCE OF YOUNG PEOPLE”. - Kazan, 2016. - Volume 1. Development of the design and results of experimental studies of a small-volume biogas plant). P. 399 – 400.

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5. Гайфуллин И.Х., Расчет теплового баланса и обоснование параметров малогабаритной биогазовой установки с мезофильным сбраживанием субстрата//Гайфуллин И.Х., Кашапов И.И., Зиганшин Б.Г., Рудаков А.И. // Вестник Казанского ГАУ.– 2016.– № 3 (41).– C. 63 – 67., Gayfullin I.Kh. Calculation of the heat balance and justification of the parameters of a small-sized biogas plant with mesophilic fermentation of the substrate. [Raschet teplovogo balansa i obosnovanie parametrov malogabaritnoy biogazovoy ustanovki s mezofilnym sbrazhivaniem substrata]. // Gayfullin I.Kh., Kashapov I.I., Ziganshin B.G., Rudakov A.I. // Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. – The Herald of Kazan State Agrarian University, 2016, № 3 (41), - P. 63 – 67.

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