Value Characteristics and Motivation Features of the Z Generation Labor Activity


Зименкова А.1,Zimenkova A.2,Котенко Е.1,Kotenko E.2,Парамонова Т.1,Paramonova T.2,Ржанова И.1,Rzhanova I.3,Сергушкина В.1,Sergushkina V.2


1. Государственный университет управления

2. State University of Management

3. Personnel Management, State University of Management


The article discusses the value characteristics and features of the motivation of the labor activity of the generation Z, whose representatives will be actively entering the labor market in a couple of years. Generation Z is the first generation for which the Internet and mobile communications are available from childhood. For them, there is no world without high technology, so they have their own characteristics and interests. All employers are interested in the question of what employees they will own, and what methods of motivation will be effective when working with them. This article presents an analysis of the cost characteristics and features of Z generation based on the data obtained in the framework of the study of motivation involving the Z-generation. Based on these data, conclusions are made about the ways of motivation of this generation, which will allow the company to develop a system of motivation and stimulation of employees that will match the similarities and differences of employees, and will increase the level of involvement of specialists of different ages.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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