Training Procedure in Graphic Disciplines for Students of Technical High Educational Institutions


Федосеева Марина1,Fedoseeva Marina2


1. ФГБОУ ВО "Сибирский государственный университет водного транспорта"

2. FGBOU VO "Sibirskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet vodnogo transporta"


In connection with transition of the higher education system to the bachelor's degree, a number of difficulties has arisen e in the student’s educational schedule. The question is especially acute for disciplines of general education, and a rather large reduction in classroom time has happened. Taking into account the rather low level of students training in the area of drawing, and sometimes its complete absence, due to the abolition of the subject of drawing from the mandatory school program, teachers are faced with more and more tasks on the formation of educational and methodical complexes [3; 6; 15–17; 23]. In this paper has been considered the issue related to complex training in the area of graphic disciplines for students of technical high educational institutions. These disciplines, as is known, are the basis of many special engineering disciplines, such as machine parts, theory of mechanisms and machines and so on. The fundamental component is the design documentation, the possession of which is necessary for a future engineer. Studying the general course of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics is not enough, training should be carried out taking into account the professional orientation and relevant competencies. However, despite the global automation in all areas, it is not necessary to completely abandon the traditional methods of training, for example, in descriptive geometry’s section. This course allows develop students' spatial reasoning [12–14; 19]. Work on descriptive geometry’s tasks gives for a student the opportunity to more clearly understand the projection principles, methods of drawings transformation, formation of complex surfaces, obtaining of visual images by constructing of axonometric projections or performing of a technical drawing. Another question in our opinion is the order for studying the section of engineering graphics, which is more appropriate to study using modern graphics programs [10; 11].


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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