Perspective Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Domestic and Foreign Recruitment Companies


Сувалова Т.1,Suvalova Tatyana2,Ашурбеков Р.1,Ashurbekov R.2


1. ФГБОУ ВО «Государственный университет управления»

2. State University of Management


The introduction of artificial intelligence in any sphere of human activity today occurs at an accelerated pace. Recruiting is no exception. Is artificial intelligence able to force out selection specialists and self-interview a candidate? How do job seekers react to being interviewed by a robot, not a person? Is it possible to completely exclude a person from the personnel selection process and shift all functions to artificial intelligence? Let’s try to answer the questions posed in this article. The study analyzes the results of introducing a startup from the St. Petersburg company Stafory, which developed and introduced Vera, a robot recruiter, into the Russian and foreign HR market. The characteristic of modern software for recruiting and programs for recruitment agencies is given. The main advantages of using artificial intelligence in the system of mass recruitment of large trading companies are described.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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