The Influence of Environmental and Operational Properties of Plywood on Its Competitiveness and Consumer Risks


Анисимов Максим1,Anisimov Maksim2


1. Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет имени Г.Ф. Морозова

2. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


The paper presents data on the influence of operating parameters of finished plywood (formaldehyde emission, tensile strength) on the performance of consumer risks, and changes in its competitiveness. Modern scientific literature focuses on research and development of methods to reduce business risks, aimed at reducing all kinds of economic costs (production, advertising, transportation, etc.). There is virtually no information on the impact of product quality on consumer risks and competitiveness. However, when considering this question regarding the wood and furniture industry, it is worth significant attention due to the fact that the use of glued laminated materials (plywood to a greater extent) as a construction and design materials, because of their significant advantages is increasing every year. Along with this there is a rapid improvement of production methods and used materials. One of the traditional technologies for the production of plywood is gluing sheets of veneer using urea-formaldehyde resins of various modifications. Using a wide range of sorbents is practiced as a part of the applied adhesive composition, action of which can be sent both for simple regulation of flow rate of adhesive and complex processes of reduction of formaldehyde emissions and increase of plywood in strength. An example of reduction of release of formaldehyde can be scientifically proven use of natural mineral clinoptilolite as sorbent-filler, modified in a variety of electromagnetic fields (superhigh frequency field (UHF EMF) and weak pulsed magnetic field (WPMF)). In this regard, the paper describes the impact of changes in basic performance properties of plywood (emission of free formaldehyde and ultimate strength) on consumer risks and competitiveness of finished plywood.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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