Impact of cutting face profile angle upon shear deformation degree


Ямников Александр1,Yamnikov Aleksandr2,Волков Дмитрий,Volkov Dmitry


1. Тульский государственный университет

2. Tula State University


It is established that cutting with gear-cutting and thread-cutting tools is not free that results in the increase of loading upon tool tips and their quick wear. The layers of metal cut are subjected to considerable shear deformation and also to other kinds of deformation. In this connection the wear character of a tool and its properties will change. There is considered a process of chip removal by trapezoidal and triangular cutters (as in case of metal cutting off with teeth of a hob may be used not three but two tool tips) and the impact of a cutting face profile angle upon a shear deformation degree is also considered. There are shown analytical dependences for the definition of angles of a chip flow, a relative shear, a deformation degree of a shear and a value of tangential stresses in the cutting area taking into account the influence of the strength of material machined, width and thickness of a layer cut and a friction factor. The dependences are checked up at cutting with a trapezoidal cutter.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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