Efficiency Improvement of Industrial Fans if Operating at Off-Design Modes


Замолодчиков Глеб12,Zamolodchikov Gleb34,Тумашев Р.1,Tumashev R.5,Щеголев Н.1,Schegolev N.5,Фурашов А.6,Furashov A.7,Семилет Н.6,Semilet N.7


1. Московский государственный технический университет имени Н.Э. Баумана


3. Bauman Moscow State Technical University


5. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet imeni N.E. Baumana




This paper’s aim is enhancement of efficiency for fans adjusting by turn of rotor blades. A high load axial fan and a fan with decreased rotor’s pitch chord ratio by reduction of blades number were investigated. Have been performed tests of the fan with design characteristics as follows: theoretical head coefficient Ht = 0,3, mass flow rate Ca = 0,4, hub’s relative diameter ν = 0.6, and with blades, graded on the law of permanent circulation. The area of effective adjustment was estimated by the performance factor value η* ≥ 0,8. When changing the stagger angles in a wide range from 26° to 70°, the area of highly economical work was in variation ranges 0,26–0,78 for the mass flow rate Ca , and 0,24–0,5 for the theoretical head coefficient Ht accordingly. Tests of fans with a reduced blades number in the rotor (12 instead of 16 for the original fan) has showed that under the same stagger angles the fan’s high-efficiency operating mode is approximately in the same range of Ca variation at slightly reduced values of theoretical head coefficient. Maximal performance factor has increased on 2.5%. Decreasing the number of rotary blades, simplifying the turning mechanism and reducing the weight are possible in the design of fans with increased values of aerodynamic load coefficients.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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