The Problems of Topology And Indexation of Interethnic Communications That Cause Inadequate Behavior


Каргин Николай1,Kargin Nikolay2,Бабушкина Е.1,Babushkina E.2


1. Московский государственный университет путей сообщения императора Николая II МГУПС (МИИТ)

2. Moscow State University of Railway Engineering


In this article, it is concluded that at the present time there is a need for new methods of reflection and analysis (with a greater degree of abstraction) in connection with which theoretical algebra and social topology seem to be quite real for use. It is defined that topos should reflect social and communicative activity, and the bundles — its behavioral manifestations, in various forms, but connected functionally, that is, bundles, in whatever, the points of space are manifested (in the most diverse form), are aimed at performing, Completely real and measurable functions. It is shown how the mathematical topos of A. Grothendieck and sociological topos reduce to a single consistent representation and apply this theory in the sphere of interethnic communications. As a result, it seems possible to correctly use one of the mathematical theories — the theory of A. Grothendieck’s beams and tops for solving a number of problems facing communicative science, identified in the methodology of social topology.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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1. The Range of Issues Is Expanding;Scientific Research and Development. Modern Communication Studies;2017-09-06







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