
Плотникова Людмила1,Plotnikova Lyudmila2,Сагындекова Айнура1,Sagyndekova Aynur2,Бережкова Галина1,Berezhkova Galina2


1. Омский государственный аграрный университет им. А.Г. Столыпина

2. Omsk State Agrarian University A. G. Stolypin


In Western Siberia, the resistance to septoria was tested for samples of wheatgrass of elongated Agropyron elongatum and introgressive lines of spring soft wheat with its genes, created at Omsk State Agrarian University. The experiments were conducted in the field in the forest-steppe zone of the south of Western Siberia (Omsk) in 2013-2016 on an annual natural infectious background. In 2013, the manifestations of septoriosis were weak, in 2014-2015 - moderate, and in 2016 epiphytoty was spread, which led to a severe defeat of varieties of West Siberian selection. A. elongatum samples showed immunity to the disease. In 2013, 15 promising wheat lines were identified that showed high or medium resistance to the Septoria tritici fungus, causing leaf spotting, and Parastagonospora nodorum, which affects leaves and spikes. The lines were predominantly in the middle or middle groups. According to the results of four-year experiments in contrasting weather conditions, the best lines on average showed higher productivity than, or comparable to, the standard varieties, mainly due to the increased number of productive stems of the plant and a high mass of 1000 grains. During the period of observation, there was an increase in the damage of wheat varieties and lines by the causative agents of Septoria, especially S. tritici. In 2013, 8 lines showed high resistance to leaf damage, 10 lines - ears. During the epiphytosis of 2016 year the resistance to S. tritici retained only 2 lines. The resistance to damage to the ear was more stable, in 2016, 6 lines were high, and 5 - medium resistant to P. nodorum. Two lines showed high resistance to septoriosis of leaves and ear. Dedicated lines are recommended for use in breeding soft wheat for resistance to disease.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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