1. Ульяновская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия имени П. А. Столыпина
2. Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A.Stolypin
3. Казанский государственный аграрный университет
4. Kazan state agrarian University
The role of depreciation in an enterprise can be represented as a source of reproduction of fixed capital and a share of the cost of production. The study of sources of financing for the processes of renewal and modernization of agriculture is considered on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan. In the agricultural sphere, the problem of the targeted use of depreciation funds is aggravated by the difficult financial situation of many agricultural producers, which reduces the amount of funds allocated for the reproduction of fixed capital. The market of agricultural machinery requires serious financial investments and improvement of the mechanism of technical support of the agroindustrial complex. One of the ways to improve this issue is the revision of depreciation methods. In Russia, for a long time, only a uniform depreciation method was used based on the useful life, when the values of fixed assets are repaid evenly over their entire service life, we propose the use of accelerated depreciation.
In this regard, the purpose of the publication is to study the changes in the share of depreciation used on investments in the total amount of accrued depreciation and to propose measures to improve the reproduction of fixed capital. The analysis showed that in the Republic of Tatarstan over the past 5 years, only about 30% of the accrued depreciation deductions are sent by farmers to invest in fixed capital. According to the results of the analysis, the idea of increasing the role of depreciation deductions as a source of renewal and modernization of agricultural equipment through the system of state support and the accumulation of depreciation deductions in the form of money on deposit or special accounts in banks was considered. A scheme for the functioning of the regional depreciation fund and its controls are proposed. The introduction of a mechanism to increase the role of depreciation as a source of financing will ensure the growth and modernization of agricultural technical support through a system of targeted use of depreciation funds.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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