Ethical Issues of Business Communication in Modern Russia


Семенова Л.1,Semenova L.2,Кудрявцева М.1,Kudryavceva M.2


1. Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет

2. Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics


The digital revolution that accomplished in the world in the last decade, has brought to life many social phenomena, the consequences of which require a multidimensional understanding, primarily from the point of view of socio-psychological and socio-cultural risks. Russian reality is especially risky because of mental and cultural factors shaping its national identity. The aim of the study is massive amounts of information, influencing on the outworld’s numerous communication channels, and first of all, on communication. A special place in this context is the ethics of social responsibility policy of business and commercial advertising which using manipulative techniques that are valid from the standpoint of law, but violating ethical requirements. There remains an insufficient degree of implementation of the principles of ethics in corporate and professional communications of Russia. The authors, using methodological approaches: systemic, deontological and ethic-axiological, held a theoretical and empirical study of large amounts of information on social responsibility of Russian business, commercial advertising, corporate and professional ethics in Russia, taking into account public interests. We studied the results of studies of corporate governance, transparency and business ethics, the ratings of social responsibility, corruption, etc. The systematic approach allowed us to consider integrated communications as a system, a holistic set of interrelated components. Deontological approach to the analysis of business communications is the nitial source of the rating of such categories as proper, perfect, multifunctional, and normative. Ethic-axiological approach allows to evaluate actual and desired. There remains the question of the relationship between the two main categories of ethics — duty and the good. The authors concluded that there needed an optimization of the process of ethical regulation of business communication in modern Russia.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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