The Problem of Supporting the Attention of the Student Audience During the Lecture as an Important Modern Problem of The University Teacher


Романенко Н.1,Romanenko N.2


1. МГИМО МИД России

2. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)


The article explores ways of supporting the active attention of the student’s audience by means of various resources and mechanisms. The author updates the problem of supporting the students’ attention during the lecture, since modern electronic devises have increased their «stickiness», attractiveness and accessibility and have become the main teachers’ “competitor” in obtaining students’ attention. Numerous statements regarding the term «attention» and types of attention are given by leading domestic and foreign psychologists” in its essential characteristics. The author indicates that today’s modern students’ society understanding has been more formed in the virtual world than in real one, this kind of understanding communicates with social networks in non-stop mode and within the study time, during the lectures, seminars, between the work of mastering professional training program. The demonstration of an abstract, passive listening by students of a lecturer in the course of lessons, poor subject mastering causes fears among teachers, who are powerless in the face of the pressure of the gadget revolution and technological modernization. The author focuses on the various components of the lecture, makes recommendations for the increase of students’ active attention.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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