
Василова Нурания1,Vasilova Nuraniya2,Багавиева Эльмира1,Bagavieva El'mira2,Тазутдинова Мухаббат1,Tazutdinova Muhabbat2





A new semi-intensive variety of spring soft wheat Bulyak, bred in Tatar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, by intraspecific hybridization, the method based on the principle of expected transgressions was based on the selection of parental forms for the creation of the cultivar. The variety has a realized yield potential at the level of 5.5 tons per hectare, the advantage over the three-year test (2014-2016) over the standard Simbirtsit variety in the differing pressure of abiotic and biotic environmental factors is 0.93 tons per hectare, standard in all years of the test. The variety forms a valuable grain in quality. The technological parameters of grain meet the requirements for valuable and strong wheat: nature - 809-815 gramms per litre, vitreousity - 55-87%, protein content in grain – 11.7-13.9%, gluten in grain – 28.2-31.1% of the first and second quality groups. Rheological properties of the dough: strength of flour - 308 units, valorimetric evaluation - 71.3 units, which meets the requirements for strong varieties. The bakery quality is excellent. The variety is medium-ripening, it belongs to the erythospermum (estivum) variety. Middle-growing, height – 82.2 cm, resistance to lodging in the cultivar was not marked below 8 points. The variety has a high-grain ears - 25.6 grains and a high mass of 1000 grains, an average of 42.5 g, in 2014, it reached 47 g. The variety has a low productive bushiness - 1.08 pieces per plant, which is also characteristic of other varieties of selection of the Tatar SRIA. The variety was transferred to the State Variety Test in the Middle Volga and Central regions of the Russian Federation in 2016.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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