
Синещеков Виктор1,Sineschekov Viktor2,Васильева Надежда1,Vasil'eva Nadezhda2,Дудкина Елена1,Dudkina Elena2


1. Сибирский ФНЦ Агробиотехнологий Российской академии наук

2. Siberian Federal Research Center for Agrobiotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article presents the results of research on the economic efficiency of the production of spring wheat grain at different selling prices. They were obtained in the fields of grain-crop crop rotation, depending on the tillage systems on different chemicalization backgrounds in the multifactorial stationary field experiment in the Siberian Federal Agrobiotechnology Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the territory of the OPKh “Elitnoe” Novosibirsk region (central forest-steppe subzone). It has been established that with the realizable value of grain of 7 and 8 thousand rubles per ton, this crop can be successfully grown only according to the steam precursor and mainly on an extensive background. As a predecessor in this case, the early minimum pair is most preferable, black pairs with flat-cut strip depth processing and with minimal processing, in which the profitability of grain production was 75.8%, 69.2 and 67.9% at 7 thousand rubles per ton and 100.9%, 93.4 and 91.8% with 8 thousand rubles per ton respectively. In other cases, at such rates for the grain predecessor on all chemicalization backgrounds, the cultivation of wheat was unprofitable, except for the option of plowing against an extensive background, where it was reasonable to grow wheat for the grain predecessor only at 8 thousand rubles per ton. With a realizable value of wheat of 10 thousand rubles per ton, it is economically advantageous to grow this crop both in pairs and in the grain precursor on the chemicalization backgrounds under study. At such prices, the profit from the sale of grain on an extensive background for the grain predecessor was the highest for plowing - 4355.59 rubles per hectare, significantly less in the variants with soil protection treatments (2645.47-3745.02 rubles per hectare) and “zero” treatment - 2865.65 rubles per hectare. Against an intensive background, high rates of profit were noted in the variant with flat-cut strip depth processing (9091.70 rubles per hectare), for other treatments it was less and varied from 6519.93 to 7223.43 rubles per hectare. The maximum economic effect was obtained from the cultivation of wheat for a couple, where the profit on an extensive background was 16,832.68 rubles per hectare, and on an intensive background - 12894.56 rubles per hectare with current prices for fuels and lubricants and pesticides.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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