
Шамин Евгений1,Shamin Evgeniy2,Зиганшин Булат3,Ziganshin Bulat4,Новикова Галина5,Novikova Galina6


1. Нижегородский государственный инженерно-экономический институт

2. Nizhny Novgorod State Institute of Engineering and Economics

3. Казанский государственный аграрный университет

4. Kazan State Agrarian University

5. Московский автомобильно-дорожный государственный технический университет (МАДИ)

6. The Moscow State Technical University - MADI


Abstract. The developed plant belongs to drying equipment and can be used in farms for drying and disinfecting skins of rabbits, nutria, mink, fox, Arctic fox, sable, otter, muskrat, etc. A microwave dryer of a fur raw material of the rotor type comprises a cylindrical shielding element 1, inside of which a cylindrical non-ferromagnetic drum 9 is coaxially disposed, perforated non-ferromagnetic plates are welded to the shell, forming compartments. The drum 9 with the compartments represents the rotor 2, and the compartments serve as the mobile resonators 3. The average perimeter of the annular space between the shielding unit 1 and the drum 9 is equal to a multiple of half the wave length. The rotor 2 rotates from the electric motor 4, installed under the lower base of the shielding uni 1, containing the discharge nozzle 6. The depth of the compartments along the vertical is greater than the width of the bottom base of the trapezoidal radio-transparent rule, and the radial depth of the compartments is greater than the height of the rule. On the upper base of the shielding unit 1, containing the loading branch pipe 7, there are mounted microwave generators 8 and an exhaust fan 10. The branches function as transverse waveguides.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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