Development Evaluation of the Russian Nanoindustry in the State Innovation Policy


Запороцкова ,Zaporockova I.,Моисеева ,Moiseeva D.,Архарова ,Arharova I.


For successful development serious support is required most new scientific directions at the level of the state. In 2007 nanotechnologies got in the group of such perspective directions. After almost ten years there is a need to assess the pace of industry development and efficient use of budget funds. When searching for information placed in the public domain, the authors faced the problem of its closeness. As a result, the analysis was built on the data of Federal Service of State Statistics and statements of JSC «RUSNANO» for 2010–2015 years, in particular, we studied the dynamics of devised and used nanotechnology, nanotechnology industry in output production, and distribution enterprises producing nanoproducts for subjects of the Russian Federation. The executed research allows to say that the nanoindustry in the Russian Federation in the period from 2010 to 2015 was developed, but the growth rate is constantly decreasing. The economic crisis that has evolved over the years 2014–2016 showed the ability of enterprises to ensure the development of the nanoindustry in a difficult situation.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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