Prospects of the development of the Crimea as a tourist region


Санин Александр,Sanin Aleksandr,Краснова Ольга,Krasnova Olga


The leading type of nature use in Crimea is recreation. In this article, the peninsula is considered as a tourist region, identified are its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for its development and threats it is facing. Many of them are associated with joining the peninsula to Russia in March 2014 and a variety of consequences of this event. During the last year significantly decreased the number of tourists and accessibility of the peninsula, which dramatically increases the urgency of the construction of a transport crossing in Kerch. The article provides recommendations for the development of new types of tourism, which, along with the improvement of relations with Ukraine and the transport passage allow to increase the number of tourists. This is important both for the economy of the Crimea as a whole, and for the majority of its inhabitants. The paper also proposes to carry out a redistribution of tourist flows and to actively pursue the advertising campaign of the Crimea as a tourist region in the information space of the Russian Federation. It can be used by patriotic sentiments that have taken place in the country after joining the Crimea. The popularity of the peninsula could rise as a result of the depreciation of the Russian ruble, which significantly changes the situation on the market of tourist services. It is proposed to consider the coast of the Crimea as a set of natural and natural-social system that provides new opportunities for environmental management in the coastal zone. In particular, this approach allows identifying the most important tourist potential areas of the territory, as well as spatial boundaries of human impact. In recent years, the share of organized tourist sharply increased and the geography of tourism greatly changed. It should be remembered that for Crimean are important both organized and unorganized holiday makers.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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