Current status of the temperature and humidity regime of the troposphere in the Siberian sector in different circulation periods


Belousova Elena12,Latysheva Inna2ORCID,Loschenko Kristina2,Olemskoy Sergey1


1. Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS

2. Irkutsk State University


The paper studies the long-term dynamics of air temperature and relative humidity anomaly indices in the surface layer and at different levels of the troposphere in Siberia and neighboring regions (European and Far Eastern sectors). As the main cause of the observed variations in climatic parameters we considered circulation factors, which were taken into account using the typification of macrocirculation processes proposed by B.L. Dzerdzeevsky. Seasonal differences were revealed in the distribution of anomaly indices and the area occupied by anomalies of different signs of annual and monthly mean temperature and relative air humidity, which are most pronounced during circulation periods of increased duration of meridional northern processes in the Siberian sector and in the Northern Hemisphere as a whole. The highest rates of change in the temperature regime in the Siberian sector over recent decades have been observed at the level of the isobaric surface AT–700 hPa (3 km), which affects the advective-dynamic factors of surface cyclo- and frontogenesis, as well as the processes of cloud formation and precipitation. In general, an increase in the heat content of the lower and middle troposphere and a decrease in the relative moisture content near the tropopause can be accompanied by an increase in the amount of the potential energy and convective instability energy reserves and can lead to an increase in climate risks in the Siberian sector.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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