The problem of coexistence of the overlap syndrome and the neoplastic process on the example from clinical practice


Blashkevich O.1


1. Tula State University


The publication considers a case of ovarian malignancy in a patient suffering from 11 years of overlap syndrome: a combination of progressive systemic sclerosis with dermatomyositis (antisynthetic syndrome). Timely recognition and treatment of cancer prevented an unfavorable outcome for this patient. At the same time, the termination of the basic anti-inflammatory therapy of systemic diseases (in this case, the cancellation of mycophenolate mofetil due to the lack of the drug in the pharmacy network of the city) led to a deterioration of the course of the disease, an aggravation of the clinical picture, which can create a so-called "vicious circle" of these pathologies.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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