
Guseynov Arif1,Askarov T.2,Guseynov T.3,Sedov S.2


1. Tul'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet

2. Tul'skiy oblastnoy klinicheskiy onkologicheskiy dispanser

3. Tula State University


In modern medicine, the fluorescent dye indocyanine green (ICG) is used in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, including malignant neoplasms. The use of ICG is primarily due to such positive properties of the drug as chemical resistance and photostability, unique traceability and high lymphotropicity. The ICG preparation, as a fluorescent contrast agent, is used in the diagnosis of many diseases, in particular to determine the fraction of cardiac output, the function of blood flow of parenchymal organs (liver, spleen) and in ophthalmology, to assess the blood supply of intestinal anastomoses and in angiography. ICG is used in oncology in the surgical treatment of tumors. The fluorescent image under the control of infrared radiation makes it possible to identify the structures to be removed (tumor tissue, lymph nodes). The role of the fluorescent dye ICG in the mapping of signaling lymph nodes in oncology is high. The technique is highly informative in identifying lymph nodes involved in the tumor process, to determine the stage of the tumor, prediction and selection of antitumor therapy. In addition, ICG is used in photodynamic and photothermal therapy of tumors. Due to its photosensitizing properties, ICG is used to generate forms of oxygen or heat in order to destroy tumor cells.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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