
Guseynov Arif1,Guseynov T.2,Bobkov M.2,Blincov V.2


1. Tul'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet

2. Tula State University


Among the drugs used in the conservative therapy of breast cysts and fibrocystic mastopathy, phytopreparations are mainly used in clinical practice. The drug Indinol Forto, obtained from plants of the cruciferous family, contains indolecarbinol, the effect of which is associated with the regulation of estrogen metabolism, inhibition of pathological proliferation, blockade of the formation of inflammatory cytokines, activation of apoptosis of transformed cells, reduction of breast cysts. The paper presents the results of a study of the pharmacological effect of the drug Indinol Forto on cystic formations of the breast. A comparative study of the use of the drug Indinol Forto showed its high effectiveness in the treatment of breast cysts, which consists in reducing the number and size of cystic formations of the breast. The drug Indinol Forto in the conservative treatment of breast cysts showed its effectiveness after 3 months of use: there was a decrease in the number of cysts (complete regression) by 3±0,5 in 13 (28,9%) patients and a partial regression of cysts with a decrease in their size by 28,7±5,8% in 16 (35,6%) patients. The optimal effect of Indinol Forto manifested itself after 6 months of use: the number of cysts decreased by 5±1,1 in 19 (42,2%) patients, and in 22 (48,9%) patients, a partial regression was noted with their reduction in size by almost half – by 49,0±7,2%. The results of the conducted studies have shown that Indinol Forto is the optimal drug that positively affects the dynamics of cystic formations of the breast. The drug Indinol Forto is well tolerated when taken orally, has no clinically identified side effects, which justifies the safety of long-term use.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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