Influence of ionospheric resonators on daily dynamics of the first Schumann resonance spectral parameters according to data from a meridional chain of ULF magnetometers
Ermakova Elena1ORCID, Ryabov Alexsandr1ORCID
1. Radiophysical Research Institute, NNGU
We have experimentally studied the influence of the local ionosphere, namely the ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) and the lower ionospheric resonator at altitudes 80–300 km (sub-IAR) on the amplitude and polarization of the first Schumann resonance. The study is based on spectral analysis of data from simultaneous monitoring of ULF magnetic noise components at a meridional chain of stations: high-latitude stations Barentsburg and Lovozero, mid-latitude observatory NNGU NIRFI (NL, Nizhny Novgorod Region), a low-latitude station in Israel. We have also used monitoring data from the Borok and Crete observatories. At the stations in dark conditions, significant variations were found in the spectrum of the polarization parameter ε at the frequency of the first Schumann resonance (SR). Moreover, these variations had different character at different observatories. Analysis of the daily dynamics of the parameter ε has shown that these variations are associated with the influence of local sub-IAR having different optical thickness and quality factor at these observatories. The influence of sub-IAR on polarization in the SR band was found to depend on the ratio of the boundary frequency fb (the frequency that separates the negative and positive polarization of ULF magnetic noise) to the frequency of the first SR. The IAR influence on the polarization and amplitude of magnetic fields in the frequency band of the first Schumann resonance was discovered only at the NL and Lovozero stations: a high-quality Alfvén resonator in the ionosphere above the NL station could cause the SR frequency band to change and its central frequency to shift. Analysis of low-frequency data from the observatories separated by distances of 400 km has revealed that the influence of local ionospheric resonators can lead to a difference in the amplitude characteristics of the first SR even at such distances. It has also been shown that the influence of the IAR and sub-IAR resonators on the azimuthal angle of the magnetic field vector in the frequency band of the first SR is less noticeable and can generate variations in this parameter by 10°–20°. Numerical calculations performed for the spherical waveguide model made it possible to adequately interpret the features of the daily dynamics of the parameter ε in the frequency range of the first SR.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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