On the possibility for laboratory simulation of generation of Alfven disturbances in magnetic tubes in the solar atmosphere


Прокопов Павел1,Prokopov Pavel2,Захаров Юрий1,Zakharov Yuriy2,Тищенко Владимир1,Tishchenko Vladimir2,Бояринцев Эдуард1,Boyarintsev Eduard2,Мелехов Александр1,Melekhov Aleksandr2,Пономаренко Арнольд1,Ponomarenko Arnold2,Посух Виталий1,Posukh Vitaliy2,Шайхисламов Илдар1,Shaikhislamov Ildar2


1. Институт лазерной физики СО РАН

2. Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS


The paper deals with generation of Alfven plasma disturbances in magnetic flux tubes through exploding laser plasma in magnetized background plasma. Processes with similar effect of excitation of torsion-type waves seem to provide energy transfer from the solar photosphere to corona. The studies were carried out at experimental stand KI-1 represented a high-vacuum chamber of 1.2 m diameter, 5 m long, external magnetic field up to 500 Gs along the chamber axis, and up to 2·10–6 Torr pressure in operating mode. Laser plasma was produced when focusing the CO2 laser pulse on a flat polyethylene target, and then the laser plasma propagated in θ-pinch background hydrogen (or helium) plasma. As a result, the magnetic flux tube of 15–20 cm radius was experimentally simulated along the chamber axis and the external magnetic field direction. Also, the plasma density distribution in the tube was measured. Alfven wave propagation along the magnetic field was registered from disturbance of the magnetic field transverse component Bφ and field-aligned current Jz. The disturbances propagate at near-Alfven velocity of 70–90 km/s and they are of left-hand circular polarization of the transverse component of magnetic field. Presumably, Alfven wave is generated by the magnetic laminar mechanism of collisionless interaction between laser plasma cloud and background. The right-hand polarized high-frequency whistler predictor was registered which have been propagating before Alfven wave at 300 km/s velocity. The polarization direction changed with Alfven wave coming. Features of a slow magnetosonic wave as a sudden change in background plasma concentration along with simultaneous displacement of the external magnetic field were found. The disturbance propagates at ~20–30 km/s velocity, which is close to that of ion sound at low plasma beta value. From preliminary estimates, the disturbance transfers about 10 % of the original energy of laser plasma.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Space and Planetary Science,Atmospheric Science,Geophysics

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